Beyond FATF Guidance: Emerging Best Practices for Crypto AML

Beyond FATF Guidance: Emerging Best Practices for Crypto AML The FATF (Financial Action Task Force) sets the global standard for combating money laundering, and they’ve turned their attention to crypto. Sure, their guidance is a starting point, but let’s be real – it’s not enough to keep up with the ever-evolving ways bad guys try…

Sanctions Screening for Crypto: Overcoming Unique Challenges

Sanctions Screening for Crypto: Overcoming Unique Challenges Sanctions compliance is a critical requirement for all businesses handling financial transactions, including those in the cryptocurrency space. However, the unique nature of crypto presents challenges that traditional financial institutions (TradFi) don’t face. Crypto businesses must understand these complexities and adopt tailored solutions to fulfill their regulatory obligations…

The Rise of ESG Compliance: Opportunities and Risks

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors are rapidly transforming the business landscape. What was once a niche concern is now front and center for investors, consumers, and regulators alike. Companies that proactively manage ESG risks and opportunities stand to gain significant competitive advantages, while those that lag behind may face reputational damage, financial penalties, and…